Oracle EBS/Cloud Solutions


Period End Close Process

  • Is your existing period end close process efficient?
  • When was the last time it was realigned?


Chart of Accounts Design

  • When was the last time chart of accounts (COA) structure was designed / reviewed?
  • Can you change the COA Structure / segments without new implementations?

Accurate Sub Ledger Accounting & Reporting

  • Are you recording too many reclasses and top sided entries directly into General Ledger?
  • How to automate the desired accounting trhough subledgers?

Merger, Acquisitions and Consolidations

  •  Are you planning for an acquisition, merger or consolidation?
  • What is the best strategy to merge a company?

Period end Close Realignment: We can help you realign the month end / quarter end / year end close process to reduce cycle time for period close process to bring significant savings in terms of efforts and costs.

Accurate Subledger Accounting and Reporting: Stop recording top sided entries and reclasses in GL, we can help you automate the accounting through sub ledgers and reporting.

Chart of Accounts (COA) Design: Make the well-informed decisions based on transparency in the financial statements. We can help you redisgn Chart of Accounts (COA) segments without reimplementation.

Merger, Acquisitions and Consolidations: We can recommend the right approach to strategy to minimize the hassle and cost for mergers and acquisitions for your organization.